Friday, January 25, 2008

What a Lovely Day...

(After complaints from several people that my font are too difficult to read, I've decided to make the font larger... Here's to you Adi...)

Got together with a couple of girlfriends over lunch for a picnic in the park. Yes, you read it correctly, a picnic, at KLCC park, overlooking the fountain. Of late, it has been such a lovely day so we decided to have a picnic. I brought spaghetti bolognese and Nut brought friend bihun. True to her words, Lin bought drinks.

It was a nice break from the daily routine of eating at various different food courts or expensive restaurants (sure beat the hassle of thinking "where shall we go today?"). Apart from enjoying the view, we could do with the fresh air and at the same time feed the ants (must do our bit in balancing out the circle of life). And I'm sure if I were to have this picnic with my guy friends, their eye balls will pop out from gazing at all the hot chicks around KLCC... Not to mention drooling themselves silly...

Interestingly enough, one of the topic that came out while we were enjoying our picnic is about changing oneself as a new year's resolution. Frankly speaking, I don't have any specific resolution. I am the type of person whereby if I feel that a change is needed for my own betterment, I'll do it. It doesn't have to be a sudden divine intervention, a mere observation of my daily life can make me change.

People say change is good but I rather say that it's kinda subjective. What if a person change into a monster, is it still good? An alcoholic turned saint is good.. but a saint becoming satan, I don't think so! People change for a whole lot of reason. Some of them went through a near death experience, some of them just have a change of heart. For whatever reason, I believe that we should change for the better... Let it be channging one's habit or changing one's view, we should all strive to be a better person than what we already are. Not only would this has good consequences on one's soul and mind, it would also create the same effect to one's surrondings.


Little Miss Dainty said...

wow...quite number of entries since u started blogging..bravo!!!welcome 2 d blogging world!!!

PrettySweetBoy said...

Zed ...

New Years is all about hope…hope that the new year will be better and about letting go…letting go of the past.