Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Forward this or...

I bet that at some point in time, each and everyone of us have received and forwarded this sort of mail.

So, what's the deal with chain mail? Do people actually believe that if one did not forward a chain mail, he/she will be doomed for life? (No wonder I've not struck the motherload! I don't believe in such nonsense, hence, hardly forwarded any).

Although there are no laws currently banning such chain mail, they are viewed as a general nuisance. They come in all forms, snail mail, email, sms, Facebook postings (those things you guys keep forwarding on my wall) etc. Some are harmless and purely meant for fun with no consequences whatsoever (eg: Forward this mail to all your friends to brighten their day) while some goes to the extend of threaten the recipient with bad luck, physical violance or death if he/she "breaks the chain" and refuse to adhere to the conditions set out in the letter (you know which ones i mean).

At the end of the day, it is actually up to us, the recipient, to deal with such mail. Yes, we can't control chain mails from coming to us but we can sure decide whether we want to clog the mailbox of our friends. To me, I don't get angry when friends forwarded chain mails but I try not to do so. Each time I receive a chain mail, I'll just delete and in my heart be grateful that my friends still remember me (eventhough they send me junk!).

1 comment:

PrettySweetBoy said...

Well, at least you made your list, in some order of importance.

You are blessed to have so many friends, now make your gratitude list and end your day on a good note.