Sunday, March 29, 2009

Has Earth Hour failed?

It was very interesting to read various feedbacks from friends through FB and to actually observe how the KLians and Bangi folks observe Earth Hour yesterday. Personally, I did not turn off the lights for the one hour required. Reason being, I totally against it. As selfish as it sounds, Earth Hour in Malaysia was being tooooooooo over rated and I felt that it was only a publicity stunt.

Honestly, I'm of the opinion that Earth Hour last night has failed. Yes, they turn off the lights but the decided to drive out (hence omitting more CO2) and pollute the environment. (Note: it woud be very interesting to study the level of CO2 ommission during the Earth Hour). The vendors taking the opportunity to cash in during this event also didn't take the necessary steps to support the original cause of Earth Hour. Plastic bags and containers were everywhere and people were littering to no ends. Various concerts were held to celebrate Earth Hour (which would only mean the usage of electricity). After the hour has lapsed, people turn around and continue with their non-environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Come on people, putting out the lights for one hour would not change the level of global warming. How many of us still drive around instead of taking the public transport or car pool? I myself drive everywhere because it's convinience. However, I make up from other things in my life. I've totally stop taking plastic bags when I shop. I carry green bag everyway I go. And from today onwards, I vouched to use recycle plastic containers when taking away food (actually, I've been doing this on-off, depending whether I remember to bring my own container or not).

How many of us uses normal bulb instead of an energy saving bulb (the fact that they are still selling the normal bulbs is saying something isn't it)? How many of us still receive our credit card statements in the mail instead of opting to receive them via the net? How many of us still read the physical newspaper instead of reading it on the net? How many of us still print photos instead of keeping electronic versions of them? How many of us still do not recycle all things recyclecable (especially paper, I still see people throw them in the bin). How many of us still throw plastic containers and cans into the bin instead of sending them to the recycling centre? How many of us use recycle items eg recycle paper to write? (I don't blame you guys, recycle papers are more expensive and harder to come by!)

I can go on and on... But what I'm trying to say is that, if you did turn off the lights last night to honour Mother Earth, then I pray that you've change your lifestyle to a more environmentally friend one. Only by changing our lifestyle and attitudes would we be helping in reducing global warming and making Earth a cleaner and better place to live in.

Remember the 3Rs... Recycle, Reduce and Reuse...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How time flies...

OMG!!! It's been two months since I last blog something.  I've been very busy with Hootie, work and my own personal life that at the end of each day I normally drop "dead".

Short update on Hootie.  His trachy was removed about 3 weeks ago and he can now take baby food.  We are gradually building his strength and reducing his milk intake.  As soon as he can swallow solids, his feeding tube will be weaned off and he can eat like a normal person.  He still can't stand and walk on his own but rest assured his therapist is working really hard in making him walk again.  Emotion wise, he is more stable now and his confident level is better.

I've been rather busy with work of late.  It's only been two months since I started working full time but it felt like I've been here ages.  Sometimes I do wonder why I decided to join the rat race again.  But the Celine boogie bag kept calling me, so I guess I must go out and earn some moolahs.  Not to mention that I'm perpetually visiting Tod's and Ferragamo.

As it is, I'm still slaving away at the office.  Taking a short break from analysing the balance sheet and income statements of investee companies.  Moments like this that I start wishing that I have duplicates of me that could help me finish my work while I go gallivanting elsewhere.

In between my busy schedule, I've managed to catch up with the Gymfreaks and exchange gossips (as evident in FB).  Thanks guys!!! Without you guys, I would have gone insane in the membrane.  And to Little Miss Sunshine and Black Magic Woman, special thanks to both of you for being my shoulder to cry on.

I guess I better get back to finishing my work.  Till then...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year has just started and I've already been tagged? Bummer...

First and foremost, I would like to wish all of you guys a Happy New Year. As quoted from a SMS received from a dear friend:-

"Sweet words are easy to say;
Sweet things are easy to buy;
But sweet people are difficult to find.

Life ends when you stop dreaming;
Hope ends when you stop believing;
Love ends when you stop crying;
Friendship ends when you stop sharing.

To love without intention;
To give without reason;
And to care without expectation.

Happy New Year and may the new year brings betterment to ourseld and greater success to our life."

(As usual, a classic case of cut and paste. But look at it this way, for those that didn't receive a new year greeting from moi, please take this as my version of wishing you a happy and prosperous new year...)

Now, back to business. Just my luck, it's the beginning of the year and I've been tagged by a dear friend through her blog. Thanks babe, now I have to crack my head thinking of 16 great stuff to write about (LOL... Great sangat ke?).

So, here it goes...

Directions: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog/Facebook note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment or tag them in your note to read this.

1. Zed is born to shop.
Yes, this is reflective by my entry dated 2 Dec 2008. And also by my ability to juggle between work and shopping trips. I'm proud to say that I'd take leave just to go for Isetan Members' Day Sale and I have queued for more than 2 hours prior to the start of a warehouse sale. It's amazing want I'd do to shop.

2. For someone who talks a lot, Zed is actually rather quiet.
Amazed? Me oso. But the truth is, I'm only talkative when I'm around people who are close to me. I tend to shy away when I'm around strangers, sometimes even making a silent exit where possible.

3. Zed is very, very, extremely crankie.
Yes, I cranked up when I'm tired, I cranked up when I'm hungry, I cranked up when I'm full (coz' now must get some sleep), I cranked up when I'm stress, I cranked up when people wake me up from my beauty sleep, I cranked up when I don't get what I want. In a nut shell, I just crank up at almost everything in life.

4. Zed doesn't believe in dieting.
I'm already skinny, what's the point in dieting.

5. Zed doesn't eat a lot of things.
Contrary to everybody's belief, I don't eat a lot of things, but the things that I like to eat, I eat in abundance. Don't believe me, ask my friends and those who've cooked for me. I don't eat cheese, I don't eat durian, I only eat chicken breast, I don't eat lamb, I don't eat internal organs of any animals, I don't eat mushrooms, I don't eat jackfruit, I don't eat cencaluk (still keeping score?) and there are many other things that I just don't eat.

6. Zed is short.
Really? You don't say...

7. Zed can cook, she's just lazy.
On very rare occasion do I slave myself away in the kitchen.

8. Zed enjoys ironing.
Yup, this is one house chores that I truly enjoy doing. I iron everything except for undergarments. I just love seeing the wrinkles go away as you iron.

9. Zed loves the beach.
For someone who hates the sun, I LOVE THE BEACH. For those who have gone on a beach holiday with me, they would know that I apply sun screen lotion every 5 minutes, literally. But I hate the sea, I just love the beach.

10. Zed can't draw.
Although my mum is an art teacher, I can't draw even to save myself. Kesian kan?

11. Zed likes to bite her nails.
I know, I know, it's a bad habit, but I can't help it...

12. Zed is square and a nerd.
Again, really? You don't say...

13. Zed loves to watch TV.
I mean, who doesn't? I'd rather watch reruns on TV as oppose to reading. Teruk kan?

14. Zed is a co-owner of a car wash but her car is always dirty.
Funny eh? I'm too lazy to clean my carlah... Besides, I have a lot of things in the car, so a bit difficult to clean.

15. Zed is kiasu.
Yes, I'm a sore loser. When I was a kid, I always come running to my mum and complaint about how others have better things that me, get to participate in school quizzes/concert when I'm not, get bullied by other kids in school etc. Although I've outgrown it and I don't complain as much now, I still can't help being envious of other people and always want to top the rank (buruk perangai kan?)

16. Last but not least, Zed sleeps a lot.
On top of watching TV, I love to sleep and I can fall asleep almost everywhere. This is always witnessed by the Gymfreaks and office mates.

Now, my turn to torture 16 friends...

1) Betty Maori (jangan marah ye, nanti kena jual)
2) Eddie
3) Zaza
4) Lola
5) Rose
6) Miss Ani Mayuni of Kinokuniya
7) Rafiq Khan
8) Rosie
9) Joe
10) Farid Gond
11) Zeaty Jane
12) Ana cute
13) Aliah
14) Bel
15) Nana
16) Any friends who wishes to share 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself.

So guys, get cracking...