Monday, May 12, 2008


To all mothers around the world,


(Note to self:- need to upgrade internet connection at home since currently IT SUCKS!)

Now, back to some serious matter.

Mothers are supposed to be God Sent. I'm sure majority of us have great mothers and special in their own personal way. Many of us have also expressed our love and ever lasting gratitude to our mothers and why we feel that our mother is the best thing on earth.

Nonetheless, can't help feeling angry and disgusted when reading/hearing about mothers who fail to be what they are supposed to be. We often read and hear about abusive fathers but there are many, many abusive mothers around. The most common would be "baby dumping". Too many of this story have been covered in the media. Babies showing up in garbage bag, get eaten by wild dogs/animals, flushed down the toilet etc. I mean, where is the maternal instinct in that? One might argue that it could be the father who is responsible, but as a mother, wouldn't you do anything to fight for the life of your baby? Why bother going through 9 months of pregnancy (not to mention the excruciating labour pain), only to dumb the kid at the end of it? I'm sure there are many childless couples out there who would die to get these abandon babies. Or the very least, abort the baby at the early stage of the pregnancy. (Note: I'm not condoning abortion nor am I a big fan of it, but I do believe that this is the better option compared to treating the baby as if it is rubbish and throwing the baby, after it being born, in a dumpster. Or better still, go look for adoptive family for the baby!)

Maybe it is easier said than done. I've never been in such position nor have I met any of the mothers who decided to "throw" their kids, hence I wouldn't know what they had to go through and why such action was done. There are always two sides to every coin. But, what I do believe is that mothers are supposed to be a comfort and safety zone for their kids.

Hopefully, when I am a mother, I will be a good one. Maybe not the best in the world, but in the eyes of my kids, the best in their world.

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