Sunday, October 5, 2008

"You must have emphaty..."

"You must have emphaty..." said one of the few annoying extended family members of Hootie... Yeah right! Try taking care of a*$%^`#"!s, s?y, c^!$%*~g, sick husband and see whether you can have emphaty...

As usual, you can't run from such annoying relatives, where they have no clue what you have to go through. Can't really blame them and their existence always amazes me.

Between saving InLaws "waterface" and shocking extended family members on what a jerk Hootie is, I think saving InLaws pride takes precedent. But sometimes I just wish that these people just shut up and leave us alone.

Among the many, many family members, UncleChik is the only person who really helps out. Can't imagine how it would be if he isn't around. The rest of the relatives just visits whenever they are free. So, to me, they have no rights whatsoever to leave comments. Suggestions that does not add value is also not welcome.

Another family member is also nursing a sick person. Only the other day she poured out her heart saying how she is annoyed at people who keeps critising the way she's nursing her sick husband and how they keep giving her useless pieces of advice. She's much older than the InLaws and she's only have a maid to help her out. Her children can only help out so much as they are also busy with their lives.

It is always easier to leave running commentaries than actually contributing positively towards a situation. I sometimes fall prey to such sin. But now that I am having to go through with it, I do realise that things are always more than skin deep. There's a reason why God charter our lives as such. Take JabbatheHut for instance. He is filthy rich but he has no one to take real care of him. He's single, his sister is too busy taking care her two very young children and his mother is always away and not getting any younger. He spends thousands on medication each month due to having lots of health problems. So, just imagine if he falls sick and is bed ridden. For this reason, that's why God gave him tons of money so that he can pay for 24-hour nurses in order to take care of him.

I guess, Mr. Pink is right... If you don't have anything nice to say, you should just keep quite. You never know whose feelings you might be hurting.


kuchai said...

hmmm not until you're in the situation u will not know how it is like. mcm nih la zed some people are just born that way....mungkin maksud dia lain abaden kita paham lain. for your in-laws sake telan jek la. org dah penat bercakap nanti dia berenti sendre. tak yah amik pduli la mende2 nih seme as long as your in-laws nampak apa yg u dok sacrifice for hootie all this while its more than gud. u need not impress nor explain yourself to others. boring2 kita kuar minum kay

Zed said...

Ye lah Bets, saya lak sensitip semacam, nasib la ada you all, kalau tak sure dah giler layan kerenah depa

Pompuan Melayu Di Dallas said...

tunggu i balik .. kita minum sama2 ok .. ;).. pas tu u story kat i everything ek .. i banyak ketinggalan ni

Shopaholic_Sinful said...

gosh.. people mmg laa senang nak bercakap.. but once they are in your shoes.. then only they know...

jst ignore them as much as u can.. else laser jer balik zed...

u are a strong lady... setakat benda macam nih.. i think u can tepis it... :)