Raya is just around the corner and madame is definitely in Raya mood already (well, actually more of a holiday mood and knowing that I'll be free as a bird after Raya). To all my friends, Happy Eid ul-Fitr.
Somehow I can't help reflecting how Raya this year will be. Of course, I'm bersyukur to no ends that Hootie is around to celebrate Raya, regardless of his state. But somehow Raya is not the same when you have a sick person to look after.
Saying that, I had my first taste of Raya with in-laws last year. And all I can say is that the culture is definitely different compared to mine.
I've been brought up in a family where Raya is the time where close family members get together and have a jolly good time. On Raya eve, everyone will get together at Tok Mat's family retreat and start preparing for Raya. My mother is a true believer in preparing things herself, so all the food are home made and all the baju kurungs are hand sewn by her. Raya morning is like a war zone. Straight after Subuh prayers, everyone must be up (or face the death penalty) and get ready for Raya prayers and visit to the GrandParents grave. After prayers, there will be a big raya do, where all of the Tok Mat clan will sit together, enjoy good food, ask for forgiveness, exchange Duit Raya and followed by family photos of respective families. We normally end this tradition with now leaving in a convoy to visit extended family members (ie the second cousins, third cousins and everyone else in life who are related to us).
Coming back to Hootie's family, my first Raya with them didn't leave me with a pretty picture. I had the shock of my life when I arrived at the InLaws and everyone is still sleeping. Yes, I was early (I was there at 7.30 am) but it's raya morning and to them it's as if it was just another holiday. Instead of the Raya morning rush that I normally had to go through, it was a rather quiet Raya morning, where it was just Dad, Hootie and myself going for sembahyang raya. And the real shocker was when I arrived home from Raya prayers and finding them still sleeping. I couldn't handle it anymore so I just told Hootie that I want to go see my family instead.
I guess, what I'm trying to get at is that every family have their own values. I know a few families that take holiday trips during Raya, leaving extended families behind and enjoying themselves elsewhere.
I find this sad because Raya is the only time that family members get together and catch up. I always get rather slushy around this time of the year. I fail to understand what sort of values are they teaching their young ones when they decided to go on holiday instead of visiting relatives. I know a few people who doesn't really know who are their cousins or how their cousins look like. No matter how modern one is, certain family traditions and values should be kept. I mean, there's 365 days in a year, can't you spare even 1 day visiting extended family members?
At the end of the day, I guess it is up to each individual on how they see Raya. To me, it's a time where I just want to be with my family members and surround myself with familiar faces, good food and great entertainment. I can take a trip to Bali at anytime of the year but family gatherings are always priceless.
Zed !!!
I seek forgiveness for any of my wrong doings..Any mistakes that I’ve done whether I’m aware of it or if it happened unintentionally..“Halalkan” all the food and drinks..
Till we meet again next year..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. May we all find our own happiness and comfort within our family and friends.
Maaf Zahir & Batin
i guess that's the reason why am enjoying my freedom while i can (ececece sungguh tak solid ngaku jek la takut commitment ehehhehe). nak ckp bnyk pun its their culture kann but tak salah slowly adopt our culture in pulaks. its gonna take some time tapi kalu kita tak mulakan....it will not happen kan? insyallah once hootie is back on his feet again things will definitely be different and better for you.
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