Tuesday, June 17, 2008


It has been 3 weeks since Hootie got sick. And it has been 3 weeks of travelling to and from the hospital.

What have I learned for the last 3 weeks? That life is too valuable to go to waste. I've seen accident victims, death and prolonged illnessess (there's a patient that has been in the hospital for almost a year!). And trust me, it makes me appreciate my life more.

There is an early 20s, young boy, who decided to get drunk and "merempit". He met with an accident and was badly injured. The doctor managed to save him but part of his skulls crashed to bits and for a while he had no bone flap in his head (Betty, Cik Tipah, Zaza, Hugo and several other friends had the opportunity to meet this boy).

Each time i pay a visit to the hospital, I can't help feeling grateful for the current state of health I'm in. Besides, it also made see certain things in life differently.

The truth is, what Hootie had could happen to anyone of us. As a muslim, I belief that God have certain ways in making us appreciate our life better and not let it go to waste (too bad the wake up call had to be brain haemorrage). As I see it, Hootie had a second chance in life and so did I. Can't stop thinking about all the bad things that I've done and maybe this is one of the many ways of God telling me to stop and repent.

As for my relationship with Hootie, this experience will definitely change our relationship. Hopefully, for the better. Maybe, we'll appreciate each other more instead of taking each other for granted.

I can definitely say that this experience is extremely mind and emotionally challenging. I can't stop thinking and reflecting about a lot of things, let it be the past, current and the future. The doctors did say that Hootie will not recover 100% to his original state of well being before all this happened. Will Hootie and I be able to have kids? Will Hootie be able to become the bread winner or do I have to wear the pants? How will Hootie cope with his emotions if he no longer becomes man of the house? How long can I persevere and hold my sanity? So many questions but no worries, I'm taking it one day at a time (thanks for all the morale support you guys!)

I guess, at the end of the day, I'm sure God have some plans in store for us and I just have to brace myself through these hard times.


PrettySweetBoy said...

Life is a test. We get stronger with every test, trial, and tribulation. Here’s to growth and maturity.Evolve.

TTB said...

Sorry for not being there for you. Life is indeed short and unpredictable. It makes me think why we have so much hesitation in life most of the time. Hang in there and take good care of yourself!! Muah...

kuchai said...

not just u but it is also a very good lesson indeed for each & everyone of us. insyallah god has its way for both you and nikki. for now we have to stay sane & strong by his side...