Thursday, February 26, 2009

How time flies...

OMG!!! It's been two months since I last blog something.  I've been very busy with Hootie, work and my own personal life that at the end of each day I normally drop "dead".

Short update on Hootie.  His trachy was removed about 3 weeks ago and he can now take baby food.  We are gradually building his strength and reducing his milk intake.  As soon as he can swallow solids, his feeding tube will be weaned off and he can eat like a normal person.  He still can't stand and walk on his own but rest assured his therapist is working really hard in making him walk again.  Emotion wise, he is more stable now and his confident level is better.

I've been rather busy with work of late.  It's only been two months since I started working full time but it felt like I've been here ages.  Sometimes I do wonder why I decided to join the rat race again.  But the Celine boogie bag kept calling me, so I guess I must go out and earn some moolahs.  Not to mention that I'm perpetually visiting Tod's and Ferragamo.

As it is, I'm still slaving away at the office.  Taking a short break from analysing the balance sheet and income statements of investee companies.  Moments like this that I start wishing that I have duplicates of me that could help me finish my work while I go gallivanting elsewhere.

In between my busy schedule, I've managed to catch up with the Gymfreaks and exchange gossips (as evident in FB).  Thanks guys!!! Without you guys, I would have gone insane in the membrane.  And to Little Miss Sunshine and Black Magic Woman, special thanks to both of you for being my shoulder to cry on.

I guess I better get back to finishing my work.  Till then...